Got a question?

Tenant FAQs

We’ve collected the questions we get asked most often by tenants and guarantors to help you get the answers you need as quickly as possible. Use the categories shown to find exactly what you’re looking for.

My question is about:

Rent/package | Moving in | Virgin Media | Keys | Security and safety | Deposits | Tenancies | Decorating | Maintenance and repairs | Sign up process | Housemate disputes | Bins | Heating | Neighbours | Moving out


Are bills really included?
Yes. Your water, electricity, gas and internet are all included in your rent.

What furniture will be in my bedroom?
All bedrooms in Luxury Student Homes houses come with a double bed, wardrobe, desk and desk chair as a minimum. Check the property listing for images or call us if you would like to confirm the exact furniture in your property before moving in.

Moving in

When can I collect my key?
We offer appointments to collect keys from the 15th of July. These appointments fill very quickly, so if you would like to collect your key immediately, keep an eye out for the email announcing that appointment booking is open.

Why do I need a mattress protector?
We ask tenants to use a mattress protector in order to maintain the condition and cleanliness of the property for future tenants. Previous tenants have been asked to do the same in order to preserve the property for you. You may provide your own or purchase one from us on the day that you collect your keys.

What ID do I need to collect my key?
You need to bring with you your student ID, plus a passport OR a driving licence and birth certificate. This is to enable us to comply with Right to Rent legislation which is enforced in the UK.

I’ve noticed something broken when I have moved into the property, what should I do?
If you are moving in in July, we will already be aware of any damage from the previous tenants who vacated the property at the very end of June. We conduct an end-of-tenancy check on every single property, including pictures, so don’t worry: our dedicated maintenance team will be working their way through any issues which need addressing to bring the property up to the exacting Luxury Student Homes’ standard.

If you move in in September, all work should have been completed by this time, so please notify us immediately of anything which is not up to scratch: something may have happened across the summer.

Are you open at weekends for me to collect my key?
To help you get moved in at your convenience, we are open on Saturdays throughout July, August and September. However, key collections are by appointment only and you may be turned away if you show up without an appointment. You can call us on 0151 522 5800 to arrange your appointment.

We do not open on Sundays.

Can I swap rooms with another tenant?
You need to let us know if you intend to swap rooms with another tenant, or swap at any point during the year. This is simply so that we can update our records and be sure that you do not get charged for mess or damages in a room that you have not been living in.

Virgin Media

How do I get the WiFi password for my property?
Your WiFi password will be given to you when you collect your keys and may also be available on/near the router in your property. If you cannot connect, contact us on 0151 522 5800.


The key doesn’t work in the lock for my property.
Our keys are double-sided. Try removing the key, flipping it over and re-inserting it into the lock. If the key still will not work, give us a call on 0151 522 5800 any time of day.

The key is stuck in the lock.
Our keys go into the locks horizontal and will also only come out when they are horizontal. Try twisting the key until it is flat and then try again to remove it from the lock. If the key still will not come out, call us ASAP on 0151 522 5800.

Why do I only have one key?
Our keys are on a suited system, so you have a single key that will open your front door and your bedroom door only. Your housemates will have keys which open the front door and their bedroom door only, etc.

Security and safety

How do I get the alarm code for my property?
Your alarm code will be given to you on the day that you collect your key. Do not leave it written down anywhere inside the property: this defeats the purpose of the alarm and makes it easy for thieves to take your belongings without challenge.

I think that the security of our property has been compromised, what should I do?
You must contact us immediately on 0151 522 5800 if you believe that the security of your property has been compromised in any way. This could be a damaged external door or window, stolen keys or an alarm code that has become public knowledge.

A window or door is broken at my property. What should I do?
Call us immediately on 0151 522 5800 if there is damage to the outside of your property that might allow somebody access.

What should I do if there’s been a break-in?
If your property is burgled, or if the property is no longer secure as a result of a successful or attempted burglary, you should take the following action:

  1. Call 101 or 999: Report the incident to the police as soon as possible. Use 999 if the burglary is currently happening.
  2. Obtain a crime reference number: We’ll need this for the insurance, so it is vital that you get one and pass it on to us.
  3. Phone us immediately: Ring us to report the burglary and notify us of any damages to the property which need repairing.

Sign up process

How do I apply for a Luxury Student Homes property?
You can apply via our website here.

Do I need a Guarantor?
Yes, every applicant needs to provide details of a UK based guarantor. If you do not have a parent or guardian who can act as a guarantor, don’t worry, we work with Housing Hand who offer a fantastic guarantor service. Click here for more info on Housing Hand and to create an account.

Security and safety

One of our housemates is behaving unacceptably. Can you help?
We are only able to intervene if the behaviour in question is damaging to the furniture/property or upsetting neighbours, whether the behaviour is willful or negligent. If you are having difficulty with or have concerns about a housemate which do not fall into these categories (i.e. theft, arguments, etc.), Liverpool Student Homes offer a dedicated advice and mediation service which we encourage tenants to make use of. We can put you in touch with Liverpool Student Homes if needed, call us on 0151 522 5800.


When and how do I pay my deposit?
Paying your deposit is a key part of securing the property for your group and so is paid when you sign up for your property. To pay it, you will be sent a link to where you can pay the deposit online, though if you wish payments can also be taken over the phone or by card if you pop into our offices.

Who looks after my deposit whilst I am a Luxury Student Homes’ tenant?
Your deposit will be paid into and protected by the Deposit Protection Service. You will receive confirmation that your deposit has been placed into the deposit protection scheme, including any appropriate reference numbers.

When will I get my deposit back?
When your tenancy ends in June, we’ll assess the condition of your property. In order to be fair, we do not release any deposits until all assessments have been done. We go as quickly as we can, but since we have over 100 houses to work through, this process can take some time: you will hear back from us by mid-August at the absolute latest regarding your deposit.


Do you offer short-term lets?
We typically do not offer short-term lets. The majority of our tenancies run from the 15th July until the 30th June. At the landlord’s discretion, or if the property you are moving into is a new development, we may offer a start date of the 1st September as a 44-week contract which runs until the 30th June. Please confirm when enquiring/viewing properties.

Do you offer individual lets?
If you are looking to live alone, we have a select number of single-occupation flats in the city centre. If you are in a larger property, you will join a shared tenancy with your housemates: we do not offer individual contracts for larger properties.


Can we redecorate the property?
No. You are not permitted to redecorate the property.

Can I fit shelves?
Contact us prior to fitting to confirm, but generally, we will agree to you fitting shelves on the condition that they are left in situ. However, if they are not of an agreeable standard and need to be removed, you will be charged for the cost of repairs to the wall.

Can I put up posters?
You may put posters on the walls. However, please bear in mind that if there are any marks left on the wall at the end of your tenancy, you will be charged for repair costs. If you wish to attach posters to your wall, it’s best to use white-tack rather than blu-tack.

Maintenance and repairs

How do I report an issue at my property?
We have a property management portal known as StuRents, where tenants can make us aware of any issues at their property, including any pictures or videos. Once an issue has been reported through the StuRents app, we classify it and assign it to our maintenance team. Tenants can track the progress of the job via StuRents.

How long does it take to fix issues at my property?

We classify repair work into four priority areas and assign target times for completion according to these priorities.

Priority 1: Emergency repairs
Target time: within 24 hours

A repair is classified as an emergency if it presents a serious health hazard, is dangerous or affects the security of the building.

  • Burst pipes
  • Issues with boilers or tanks
  • Serious storm or fire damage
  • Major roof leaks
  • Blocked drains or toilets
  • Total loss of power or lighting
  • Total loss of hot water
  • Damage to doors/locks/windows
  • Total loss of heating (Nov 1st – Apr 30th)

Priority 2: Urgent repairs
Target time: within 3 days

Priority repairs are those that are a serious nuisance but which do not place the tenants in immediate danger.

  • Leaking pipes
  • Minor electrical faults
  • Heating faults

Priority 3: Non-urgent repairs
Target time: within 10 days

  • Minor electrical repairs
  • Minor plumbing repairs
  • Minor leaks in roofs and gutters
  • Total loss of heating (May 1st – Oct 31st)

Priority 4: Non-essential repairs
Target time: within 30 days

  • Brickwork
  • Plasterwork
  • Joinery
  • Other non-essential reapirs not specified as a Priority 1, 2 or 3


Which bin is which?
Your purple bin is for household and food waste only. Your blue bin is for recycling. You must put the correct waste in the correct bin, or the council may refuse to collect it. For more detailed information about what belongs in each bin, please visit:

When will my bins be collected?
Check the council website for specific information about your bin collections:


How do I adjust my heating?
Heating is controlled remotely using smarthome technology: if you would like to change the schedule or temperature that your heating is set to, please contact heating[at] with the request.

My room stays cold when the rest of the house is warm, what should I do?
Report the issue to us on Property Cloud. Our heating engineer, Craig, will come out and take a look at the heating system. There are lots of things that could cause this.

Moving out

How do I return my key?
Keys must be returned to our offices in person. You will be given a receipt to prove that you have returned it safely.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Contact us on 0151 522 5800 and we’ll answer your question.


Terms and Conditions

Refer a Friend Incentive Ts & Cs

Click here to see the incentive terms and conditions

Live Rent Free For a Month Ts & Cs

Click here to see the competition terms and conditions

NoPosit Terms and Conditions

Click Here to see our Deposit Free option terms and conditions

NoPosit Night Out Competition Terms and Conditions

Click Here to see the competition terms and conditions

NoPosit Win an iPad Competition Terms and conditions

Click Here to see the competition terms and conditions