What Do I Need for University Lectures? A Comprehensive List

Every uni student will should be asking themselves ‘what do I need for university lectures’. If you’re on the lookout for some must-have items to make sure you’re always organised and ready for your university lectures then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got a complete list of all the essential things you need to make sure you’re fully prepared to attend your university lectures with confidence.


tutor in front of class

1: Laptop or Tablet

Having a laptop or tablet is a must-have for university lectures. Whether you like taking notes on a digital device or exploring online resources during class, having a portable device makes learning so much easier. If you like a bigger screen and typing on a keyboard, go for a laptop. But, if you want something lightweight and easy to carry around, a tablet might be preferable. Just choose what suits your needs and budget best!

Also, having a laptop or tablet is super helpful for accessing online class materials and joining virtual discussions. Plus, taking notes on your device makes it a breeze to find what you need and keep things organised.

If you’re looking to buy a device for your studies, make sure you choose one with a solid battery life that can last throughout the day. Also, consider what you’re studying and invest in a laptop or tablet that can handle the demands of your coursework and is compatible with the software you’ll need for your program.


2: Notebooks and Stationery

Next on our list ‘what do I need for university lectures’ might sound obvious but someone always turns up without them.

Using a good old pen and paper still has its perks. Having a notebook and some stationery on hand can be helpful for quickly jotting down notes, drawing diagrams, and getting your creative juices flowing. In fact, research shows that taking notes by hand actually allows you to remember the material better than typing those notes on a computer. You are more likely to type away in autopilot than consider what is actually being said by the lecturer.

Invest in some good quality notebooks that can take a beating and have enough pages to last you all semester long. And don’t forget to get a separate notebook for each subject, so you can keep your notes organised and easy to find. Also, make sure to stock up on plenty of pens, pencils, erasers, and highlighters to make your note-taking experience more fun and efficient.

Sticky notes can be used to jot down random thoughts, questions, or reminders, and they’re great for marking pages or sections that you need to come back to later. If you get a bunch of different colours, you can even colour-code your notes and make them look nice and organised!



4: Snacks

Having some tasty treats during a long day of lectures can make all the difference. And let’s face it, no one wants to be distracted by a grumbling stomach when they’re trying to learn.

Pack snacks that are both delicious and nutritious. Granola bars, nuts, and dried fruits are some great options because they’re easy to eat and provide long-lasting energy.

Just a quick tip, though – most tutors won’t appreciate the sound of a loud bag of crisps during class, so it’s always good to be mindful of others and wait until you have a break to fill yourself up. Don’t forget to dispose of any wrappers or containers properly.

A sneaky and delicious way to get some extra fruity goodness and a boost of energy during class is to hide a smoothie in a drinks bottle!


6: Power Bank/charger cables

Having a reliable power source is vital, especially when you’ve got a long day of lectures ahead. Don’t forget to bring your laptop charger to make sure you’re powered up until the very last lesson!

Also, if you’re going to be on campus for a while, a power bank can be a real lifesaver. It’ll make sure you can keep your phone, tablet, or other electronic devices charged up even if you can’t find an outlet. Stay connected friends!


7: Reusable Coffee Cup & a water bottle

Having your own reusable coffee cup can be super handy in university. You can save some money on your daily caffeine fix at most coffee shops, and help reduce waste at the same time. Most coffee shops give you a discount if you bring your own cup.

You can also take advantage of refill stations around campus for your water bottle!

Just be sure to follow any rules about drinking during lectures.

8: Lecture Materials

Before each lecture, it’s important to gather all the lecture materials you’ll need. This may include textbooks, course readers, handouts, or anything provided by your tutors. Check your syllabus or course outline to ensure you have the correct materials for each lecture.

It’s a good idea to bring notes that you made in previous lectures. That way you can refer back and refresh your memory on previous/relevant topics.

Organise your lecture materials in a way that works best for you. This may involve using folders, binders, or digital storage options. Keep your materials organised and easily accessible.


Don’t forget to get yourself the right tools and supplies for your university lectures. It’ll help you feel more confident and make the most out of your academic journey.

Not everything on our list that answers the question ‘what do I need for university lectures’ is practical, it’s just as important to take things that keep you going as well as taking notes etc. Just make sure you pick the things you like and need and keep updating them when you need to. This way, you’ll have a seamless and productive experience throughout your studies.

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